Show Notes

This episode features excerpts from the February 8th performance of Dennis Hensley's The MisMatch Game at the Los Angeles LGBT Center's Renberg Theatre. The panelists are Danny Casillas as Reba Areba, Jackie Beat as Bea Arthur, Sherry Vine as Rue McClanahan, Melissa Peterman as Rena Z., Felix Pire as Antonio Banderas and Tom Lenk as Tilda Swinton. The questions cover everyone from Jonathan Bailey to Betty White to Benson Boone. The evening was a bizonkers blast and raised over $4,100 for the Center. After the MisMatch Game clips, there's a super-sized So This Happened...where Dennis talks about the Oscar party he attended where he missed a trivia question about Centerstage, a delightful candle-making class he took at General Wax in North Hollywood, going dancing at the Kylie XCX night at Precinct hosted by past guests Mark Nubar and DJ Shyboy and attending the 25th Anniversary benefit screening of Coyote Ugly with most of the cast in attendance. It was true in 2000 and it's true today: you really can't fight the moonlight. 

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