Show Notes

Dennis connects via Zoom with writer-actor-comedian-magician Judy Carter about her new autobiographical stage play A Death Defying Escape, which is currently playing at the Hudson Theatre Guild in Hollywood. Judy talks about the play's 5-year odyssey from conception to production, digging deep for the show's dramatic scenes, working with magic designer Craig Dickens on the show's illusions, and the play's central theme, which is how can we escape what has happened to us in the past and to find love in the present?  She also addresses sexism in the world of magic, explains why there are no famous female magicians and recalls the time Doug Henning got handsy with her during a private tutorial. Other topics include: her #1-on-Amazon book The New Comedy Bible, the National Organization of Women gig that helped her realize she was gay, being the opening act for Prince, getting on Oprah with a book that 59 agents rejected, falling in love in her 60's with a millennial, her "Say Yes' philosophy of life and that time she literally got carried out of the Magic Castle by a colleague who couldn't handle a woman doing close-up magic. 



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